Monday, November 24, 2008

My life in Hell.....mmm I Mean Law School!

Well, the reason we moved to Springfield was for me to attend law school. Sure we have had a few adventures out here but for the last month my brain has been repeatedly slammed into the ground  and I haven't even reached the worse part yet. When school first started, I read more in the first week than I  had collectively from kindergarten through college. This was certainly overwhelming in the beginning but at the same time seemed like it could be done. Now, as of about a month ago, I  started doing by outlines for my final exams. Doesn't sound like it would be too hard, but you would be dead wrong. I have five classes that have a final exam with each class having roughly 50-30 cases to study and outline. This means that we are still doing our regular work in each class and it keeps adding more cases to the lot. Oh, I forget to tell you that in my sixth class I had a 10 page memo due today. This proved to be very difficult and took up much of my sleep last night as my memo was 13 pages when I had put in all of the information but would be penalized if it was one letter over 10 pages. Every day I go to class and then I get home and study until I go to bed. I have less than a month to go but it looking like the odds are that I will keel over and die way before that day comes. The best part is that I get to do this five more times in the three years, that is if I survive. Below is a little something that nails my experience on the head.

Another day at the office.

        Law School Musical


Unknown said...

Kase, that video was dead funny. And yet so sad, I am so so sorry that this is so hard. I hope you know that I have been deeply impressed by your stamina and determination. You are doing amazing. I have never seen someone work so hard at school. You are going to do so well on your finals. I love you and I send all my support and love your way. I hope it helps! And I hope you know that I appreciate all your hard work to give us a good life. I hope this profession makes you happy. You definitely deserve happiness. Especially after all your hard work.

And you paper was incredible. You have definitely surpassed my intelligence level...

kcgarner said...

My stamina is good isn't it?

The Garners said...

If the "stamina" comment is about something other than school work...which I think it is....EWWWWW!!!

No thanks!! (If it wasn't, then EWWWW to myself for thinking of it...but I kind of have a feeling that I'm right on the money)

Congrats on all your hard work Kase, and also on your "stamina."

Nope...still EWWWW.

Crystal Valentine Garner said...

That video is too funny!

And I must say if the stamina comment is what Lara and I think it is about...then congratulations Gen! :)

On a serious note, I'm proud of how hard you are working KC-you are awesome and it will be SO worth it in the end!

Love you guys and can't wait to see you both!