Friday, October 24, 2008

The Big E!

Well, I am finally getting around to posting about stuff that occurred awhile ago. My next few posts will be about events that happened when we first arrived up until the present. 
In late September we visited the Big E, which is one of the biggest fairs in the country and features all of the New England states. It was, however, not much different from the Salt Lake County fair in that it had pretty much the same attractions and rides. It was still nice to finally get out and experience something besides our apartment and the law school. We went with our friends Rich and Megan. I go to school with Rich and they live in our building. They are from the Albany area. 
We had to park a outside the fair grounds and walk a little ways. On the way we passed a little pond that was full of turtles. There were a ton of them sitting on logs taking in some rays. I took a picture but the iphone doesn't have a zoom so it is hard to really appreciate them in the photo. You might have to squint.

 There were also snapping turtles but we didn't see any.

When we got inside, Rich let us know he was hungry and lets just say he could eat with the best of them. He moved from one vendor to the next. I didn't know it was possible to fit that much food into a human being. It really inspired me. The first thing he got was a Super Dog: The Original Long Dog on a Stick. It didn't take long before I was looking to get me a delicious Long Dog on a Stick. 
This is the first bite. It was too hot to keep my mouth on it for very long.  

After eating we went into one of the buildings that had all of the vendors and what not. The only thing that was worth any time in there was a ginormus beast dog that I got to pet. After taking a picture with him the humane society people or mafia chased us down and said that they were "encouraging" a $1 donation for pictures. She wasn't going to leave until we paid up. Luckily, Rich spotted us the dollar and we avoided their goons.
He was wondering what he would look like with a doggie face lift.

We decided to hit the petting zoo next. When we walked in there was this warning sign posted.

This is what it looks like when you get hooked on children and you are looking for your next fix.
There were lots of goats, llamas and other similar animals but the pride of the show happened to be a saucy zebra. He was too cool to mingle with the other animals and us humans. He had a sweet crib that was all to himself and all the hay he could eat. Lets just say I left there disappointed and without touching that sweet zebra mane.

The fair also had the Budweiser Clydesdales as a special exhibit. I don't think I have seen a group of horses that big let alone one horse that big. The lead horse looked like he was good friends with Jose Canseco.

We finally decided to leave and get back home. On the way out I was spotted by a Carny and he kept begging me to be apart of their exhibit. I told them no over and over, but he kept hassling me. So, I told him the reason why I couldn't. I told him that I would scare all of the little kids and make the other snakes jealous. He finally understood and uttered, "El rey del culebras". I had no idea what he said but figured it was something nice.

This was the Carny's exhibit.

This was our first Springfield Mass outing and it was pretty cool! Hopefully we can find more experiences like this in the future.


Crystal Valentine Garner said...

Ok. Hands down my two favorite parts of your, (yet another), wonderfully entertaining blog, were: the line "It was too hot to keep my mouth on it for very long"!!! and...the picture with the "do not feed your children to the animals" sign! Lately, I'd seriously have to think about obeying a sign like that so it made me giggle! Thanks for the laughs-you are still the KC we know and love!

Unknown said...

Even though I attended the fair with you, this post took it to a whole other level. But I must have been looking at the truffle stand when the snake guy was bothering you, cuz I don't remember that...but it only makes sense ;)

JP Garner said...

I think you misheard that carny-- I'm sure he said, "El rey de los gusanos"

Hilary Cavanaugh said...

two very inspiring blogs! I'm not going to lie- that corn dog looked pretty difficult to eat..... You can tell it was hard ;) the fair looks like a ton of fun, not to mention the food is always friggin delicious. Keep blogging kase, it's fabulous!

Crystal Valentine Garner said...

oh PS. I didn't even get the part about the giant snakes exhibit until Josh said it was the best part and then I realized you were talking about SNAKES...not snakes. So ya-that was funny stuff too. Guess I need to get my mind in the gutter a bit more to fully appreciate your blogging!

The Garners said...

This is for your brother (since he won't ever comment)

Imagine him saying it in a strained, computer voice...

"Can't....make....comment....on....giant....corn dog. Penis...joke....overload!!"