Monday, November 24, 2008

My life in Hell.....mmm I Mean Law School!

Well, the reason we moved to Springfield was for me to attend law school. Sure we have had a few adventures out here but for the last month my brain has been repeatedly slammed into the ground  and I haven't even reached the worse part yet. When school first started, I read more in the first week than I  had collectively from kindergarten through college. This was certainly overwhelming in the beginning but at the same time seemed like it could be done. Now, as of about a month ago, I  started doing by outlines for my final exams. Doesn't sound like it would be too hard, but you would be dead wrong. I have five classes that have a final exam with each class having roughly 50-30 cases to study and outline. This means that we are still doing our regular work in each class and it keeps adding more cases to the lot. Oh, I forget to tell you that in my sixth class I had a 10 page memo due today. This proved to be very difficult and took up much of my sleep last night as my memo was 13 pages when I had put in all of the information but would be penalized if it was one letter over 10 pages. Every day I go to class and then I get home and study until I go to bed. I have less than a month to go but it looking like the odds are that I will keel over and die way before that day comes. The best part is that I get to do this five more times in the three years, that is if I survive. Below is a little something that nails my experience on the head.

Another day at the office.

        Law School Musical

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Squirrels Gone Wild!

Well, it has been awhile since I have talked about our squirrels. I was thinking the other day that people were probably wondering when an update post would be coming. There is still unbelievable amounts of squirrels in our court yard and they are quite possibly the nuttiest squirrels you have ever seen. Yesterday I was looking out the window when I saw two squirrels that looked like they were up to know good. I had finally charged up my video camera and so I grabbed it and started filming. Vieve looks at me, seeing film the squirrels and says, "Oh great, we're going to get kicked out of the apartment because they're going to think a perv lives here." I assured her that I would be discreet enough that that wouldn't occur. I continued to film and this is what I got. I now pronounce, by popular demand, the world premier of Squirrels Gone Wild! All I ask is that you watch the whole video (let the anticipation build up until the end) and turn the volume as loud as it goes. Thank you and good day to you.

            Squirrels Gone Wild!